Herbal Ally

You may have noticed that there is a lot of talk about Tansy on this blog. That is because I have chosen Tansy as my herbal ally this year. If you want to learn more about this or join in please click on the links below to find out how to get started and what each challenge is all about......Many thanks to Kristine for guiding us  on this wonderful learning journey..........

The Challenge links will take you to Kristines blog to find out each challenge requirements and the completed ones are links to mine. If you click on the label "Herbal Ally" at the end of any of those posts (ALL of my Ally related posts will pop up) I am posting other thoughts and findings along the way as well. 

Getting started.....
Having a herbal ally
Finding a Herbal Ally
Herbal Ally Tools 

Choosing MY Ally

January Challenges.....
Herbal Ally Challenge #1:  Decorating Your Journal Cover
Challenge #1: Completed
Herbal Ally Challenge #2: Infusions
Herbal Ally #2: Completed
Herbal Ally Challenge #3: Research Part One
Challenge #3: Completed
Herbal Ally Challenge #4: Impressions
Challenge #4: Completed

February Challenges......
Herbal Ally Challenge #5: Vinegars Part One
Challenge #5: Completed
Herbal Ally Challenge #6: Tinctures
Challenge #6: Completed
Herbal Ally Challenge # 7: Oils
Challenge #7: Completed

March Challenges......
Herbal Ally Challenge #8: Starting seeds
Challenge#8: Completed
Herbal Ally Challenge #9:Review and Vinegars part 2