but still managed to do a little gathering of dandelion roots, mint, wormwood, tansy flowers, and basil. I have managed to get some mint dried and some elder flowers (late bloomers) too. The others are hanging in small amounts as Im not sure what I will be using them for yet. Wormwood like Tansy is considered a bit toxic so needs to be used with caution. I however of course plan to try it! How else will we ever learn?

I have been feeling very neglectful to my studies of late and have not had the time available to be with my herbs as much as I would like. I do however have some new reading material, some bought and some on loan. So hoping to find the time actually read them. Life just seems extremely busier than usual lately, and juggling children, homeschooling, my own studies and crafty pursuits is proving a major challenge. So, just muddling along and trying to tackle one thing at a time. This week looks like being even busier with several outings on the table so will see if I can manage to catch up or not.
Hope all is well in everyone elses world! Hugs and smoochies xoxoxoxox